Our philosophy, a coffee at your image
Welcome to the caffeinated world of Smith, with its authentic flavors in each coffee, responsibly roasted and100% Quebec quality.
Close to our regular coffee consumers, we roast a selection of the best beans from around the world, for all taste profiles. We guide you to find THE coffee of your heart that meets your taste preferences.
Ateliers de formation au café
Plongez dans l'univers et les coulisses du café : origine, extraction, l'art du latté et bien plus encore...
Cours #1 - Introduction au monde du café
Cours #2 - Espresso à la maison
Cours #3 - Initiation à l'art latté
Cours disponible en journée la semaine sur demande par courriel à saraheve@smithcafe.com
7 branches to serve you better
Discover our branchesCatering service
We provide a quality taste experience during your professional events with our 100% Quebec catering service.